SAMUDRA | A Deep Sea Journey
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- April 13, 2023 by Khayalan arts6#i need space, #2d, #adventure, #multiple ending, #non linear, #demo, #space, #cat, #explosion, #art, #music, #indieDear explorers! We recently proudly announced our new project I NEED SPACE to a positive reception at GCA & GDC in San Francisco! We heard your feedback & suggestions - and now we present the latest p... Continue reading
- March 10, 2023 by Khayalan arts7#i need space, #space, #2d, #exploration, #cat, #cosmic, #adventure, #non-linear, #open world, #multiple ending, #demoHello Explorers! We’re absolutely over-the-moon to be introducing a new space-themed game from Khayalan Arts called I NEED SPACE ! So strap on your seatbelts & brace for impact for this Trailer! I N... Continue reading
- June 23, 2022 by Khayalan arts2#adventure, #2d, #art, #underwater, #deepsea, #digital illustration, #illustrated, #journey, #pollution, #ocean, #atmospheric, #limbo, #inside, #little nightmare, #oriHello Surface-Dwellers :D The summer sale is here! Surf up the polluted ocean of SAMUDRA 🌊 This June for World Oceans Day, our studio hosts the #PlayForOcean fundraising campaign - in support of... Continue reading
- June 15, 2022 by Khayalan arts7#launch, #fundraising, #beachcleanup, #ecofriendly, #zerowaste, #samudra, #underwater, #adventure, #atmospheric, #puzzle, #horror, #unity, #singleplayer, #2d, #storyrich, #point & click, #artgameCalling all Ocean-lovers! 🌊 The Full version of SAMUDRA along with the official Artbook & Soundtrack is now available on ITCH.IO! This year’s World Oceans Day our studio hosted the #PlayForOcean... Continue reading
- February 18, 2022 by Khayalan arts2#award, #unity, #social impact, #underwater, #deep sea, #adventure, #2d, #puzzle, #platform, #hand illustratedHello Surface-dwellers :D It's been a while since the last Log & I hope that you've all been very well! We are delighted to share that SAMUDRA is one of the nominees for UNITY AWARD's Best Social Impa... Continue reading
- September 29, 2021 by Khayalan arts6#2d, #indie, #underwater, #deepsea, #adventure, #experience, #samudra, #art, #illustration, #animationHello everyone! The project that we've been working on for the past 2 years is finally here :D SAMUDRA is now live! (25% off during launch week!) Featuring haunting locations, menacing creature design... Continue reading
- September 23, 2021 by Khayalan arts6#Underwater, #deep sea, #2d, #puzzle, #adventure, #trailer, #samudra, #hand illustrated, #art, #animation, #atmosphericCheck out the brand new trailer & demo of SAMUDRA premiering in the event of Gradient Convergence 2021 by the Game Dev of Color Expo >>> SAMUDRA is... Continue reading
- July 04, 2021 by Khayalan arts5#underwater, #2d, #samudra, #plastic, #ocean, #platformer, #festival, #games for change, #expo#PlasticFreeJuly is here! I'm taking this opportunity to announce our July Splashes and summarized the news that we shared on our social media this week. July is going to be an exciting month for SAMU... Continue reading
- June 26, 2021 by Khayalan arts4#single-use plastic, #underwater, #pollution, #ocean, #eco, #zerowaste, #2d, #platformer, #adventure, #hand drawnHello folks! We've been quiet for a while since we are working on (soon-to-be-announced) something for the gaming community. We are super excited about it, so please do look out for it in the coming w... Continue reading
- June 08, 2021 by Khayalan arts4#world oceans day, #anniversary, #underwater, #deepsea, #unity, #2d, #puzzle, #sidescrollerHappy World Oceans Day :D Today, our humble studio turns Two years old! Here's a highlight of our Year. Winning the Unity For Humanity Grant for our game SAMUDRA was a huge highlight - especially duri... Continue reading
- May 15, 2021 by Khayalan arts8#mirror, #labyrinth, #puzzle, #adventure, #2d, #underwater, #art, #stroytelling, #samudra, #deepsea, #handillustratedHello Earth Dwellers! This is one of the puzzles we constructed for the latter half of the game, it's SAMUDRA's rendition of the classic labyrinth navigation puzzle. It is also another excuse for us t... Continue reading
- May 09, 2021 by Khayalan arts4#underwater, #climate, #flood, #sinking, #city, #pollution, #jakarta, #concept, #level, #art"What is the city but the people" - William Shakespeare Hello folks! This week we take a peek at one of the final level art within SAMUDRA's journey. As some of you are already aware - the world's cli... Continue reading
- May 01, 2021 by Khayalan arts6#gamelan, #gong, #music, #puzzle, #underwater, #pollution, #culture, #sriwijayaHello Earth-Dwellers! We love music-based puzzles! How bout you? Without spoiling anything - in this particular puzzle, we dive deep into our native Javanese culture, the whole level is rooted in the... Continue reading
- April 16, 2021 by Khayalan arts6#underwater, #deepsea, #samudra, #adventure, #2d, #illustrated, #puzzle, #animation, #artHello folks! This week we take a sneak peek at the everyday interactions between the surface-dwellers in SAMUDRA. "Say what you mean, but don't say it mean." Remember to always stay courteous even whe... Continue reading
- April 09, 2021 by Khayalan arts5#underwater, #deepsea, #adventure, #2d, #puzzle, #trap, #tutorial, #atmosphericHeya Surface-dwellers! "Take risk and allow the unexpected" Today I'm sharing a short clip from an early gameplay section, which shows an important metaphorical and philosophical benchmark of the game... Continue reading
- April 02, 2021 by Khayalan arts3#underwater, #deepsea, #2d, #puzzle, #animation, #illustrated, #platformer, #adventureHappy Good Friday folks! This week we reworked the opening interaction during the Prologue :) This scene had always been designed with this final sequence in mind, and we finally had the chance to com... Continue reading
- March 17, 2021 by Khayalan arts4#award, #grant, #unityforhumanity, #2d, #underwater, #environmental, #socialimpact, #adventureHeya Surface Dwellers! Some news from us today! We are proud to announce that SAMUDRA is officially one of the five winners of the Unity For Humanity Grant; a program within Unity Social Impact that c... Continue reading
- March 13, 2021 by Khayalan arts3#underwater, #deepsea, #pollution, #ocean, #sunkencity, #samudra, #2d, #adventure, #art, #illustration, #animationHello Surface Dwellers! Visit an oceanic world filled to the brim with diverse marine inhabitants, the pinnacle evolution of co-existence between humans and nature, not to mention memorable exotic dee... Continue reading
- February 26, 2021 by Khayalan arts4#underwater, #deep sea, #crab, #chase, #creature, #samudra, #adventure, #handdrawnHello Surface-Dwellers! This short clip is taken from a chase sequence with a Giant Crab, in which the player is required to escape by scaling over obstacles and making the right navigation decisions... Continue reading
- February 14, 2021 by Khayalan arts4#underwater, #adventure, #2d, #valentine, #turtle, #love, #deep seaHappy Valentine's Day folks! Today, be the reason that someone feels love 💙 --- Thank you for taking the time to read this dev diary, we appreciate all the support! We are a small Indie-company t... Continue reading
- January 16, 2021 by Khayalan arts3#underwater, #deepsea, #dumbo, #octopus, #creature, #art, #animation, #characterHello Earth-Dwellers! This week we are introducing another crew-favorite character from this deep sea adventure! We don't really have a name for it yet, but can you tell what real life deep sea creat... Continue reading
- January 10, 2021 by Khayalan arts8#underwater, #adventure, #2d, #art, #illustration, #atmospheric, #deepsea, #puzzle, #experience, #stargazer, #pollutionHello fellow Surface-Dwellers! Starting this year of with a bang 🙃 Introducing one of our favorite creature in the game - the Stargazer. This species of deep sea fish got its name due to having it... Continue reading
- December 30, 2020 by Khayalan arts9#underwater, #2d, #adventure, #puzzle, #storytelling, #pollution, #environmental, #art, #atmospheric, #exhibition, #expo, #deepseaHello fellow Earth-dwellers! I hope that everyone of you is doing well! Thank you for all the amazing support that you've continuously given us and this project throughout this tough year! The long st... Continue reading
- September 25, 2020 by Khayalan arts3#samudra, #underwater, #puzzle, #trailer, #adventure, #2d, #art, #illustrated, #surreal, #atmospheric*Updated 25.09.20 10:38 am PATCH V1.3-2* - Minor bug fixes ——— Proudly presenting our latest trailer ~~~ With this trailer - we hope to shed some light on what else to expect on the final game... Continue reading
- June 15, 2020 by Khayalan arts3#beta, #demo, #deep sea, #underwater, #adventure, #2d, #puzzle, #samudra, #indonesianHello Earth-dwellers! Just a reminder that Samudra's final demo will be out next week on the 24th of June! The Beta Demo will include a bunch of major polish updates that relates to Cutscenes, Artwork... Continue reading
- June 08, 2020 by Khayalan arts5#year one, #anniversary, #samudra, #2d, #adventure, #underwater, #deep sea, #incuboHappy World Ocean's Day folks! Today also marks the 1st anniversary of our young company (we survived the 1st wave!), Time sure flies....or our case. Its been a year full of ebbs and flows... Continue reading
- June 01, 2020 by Khayalan arts6#2d, #single player, #adventure, #underwater, #deepsea, #samudra, #puzzle, #design, #steam punkHello Earth Dwellers & Puzzle lovers! 'Gear' up for our upcoming final beta demo release at the end of June, this demo includes an updated version of particular puzzle mini games among many other upda... Continue reading
- May 25, 2020 by Khayalan arts4#samudra, #deep sea, #2d, #beta, #demo, #announcement, #puzzle, #adventure, #underwater, #art, #ramadhanEid Mubarak to our dear Moslem gamers & fam! Today's update is a short one - we are excited to announce that we'll be dropping our Beta Demo within the next couple of weeks! This will be our final fr... Continue reading
- May 18, 2020 by Khayalan arts5#stoned, #faces, #cave, #claustrophobic, #underwater, #dark, #deep sea, #samudra, #hover, #puzzle, #adventureHello Surface-Dwellers, We recently posted one of our level early Concept Art The Sunken Kingdom: Without spoiling too much, this level was design with the theme of claustrophobia, sprinkles of dread... Continue reading
- May 11, 2020 by Khayalan arts4#octopus, #hobopus, #character, #art, #samudra, #deep sea, #underwater, #campfire, #skeleton, #makeshiftHello Sea-lovers, Happy post Mother's Day to our mommas & all the Supermoms out there, in here & everywhere :D --- This week from SAMUDRA; Who says that campfires can only be enjoyed above ground~ Som... Continue reading
- May 04, 2020 by Khayalan arts9#whale, #bluewhale, #samudra, #art, #design, #character, #mammal, #majestic, #creature, #ancient, #npc, #underwater, #deepseaHello Earth-d(whale)llers! It has been an over-(whale)mingly isolated year & its tricky to be working from home on any kind of project, but our team took it upon our shoulders to see it as a chance t... Continue reading
- April 19, 2020 by Khayalan arts6#sriwijaya, #srivijaya, #sunken, #kingdom, #underwater, #ancient, #gamelan, #roro, #art, #samudraHello Work-from-homers! This week we are sharing a glimpse of a late-mid-game location ~ The country that I grew up in roots back to the ancient kingdom of Srivijaya; a Buddhist thalassocratic Indon... Continue reading
- April 13, 2020 by Khayalan arts6#samudra, #easter, #egg, #underwater, #adventure, #deep sea, #secrets, #spongebob, #mgs, #designHappy Easter Earth Dwellers! This week of course I shall not resist to talk about some Easter related things that we have worked into SAMUDRA, and by that of course I really mean - Easter Eggs. Easter... Continue reading
- April 06, 2020 by Khayalan arts4#deep sea, #underwater, #adventure, #puzzle, #design, #art, #coral, #graveHello Adventurers! This week I'm sharing a little bit on the team's approach towards the general game mechanics of SAMUDRA. This early game level consist of a little bit of everything that a player w... Continue reading
- March 30, 2020 by Khayalan arts6#developer diary, #death sequences, #game over, #underwater, #deep sea, #samudra, #art, #animationHeya Gamers, Earth Dwellers, Adventures! While the world is recuperating from a contagion, we gamers and developers had been doing our part to #StayAtHome crunching away at our keyboard/ controllers g... Continue reading
- March 20, 2020 by Khayalan arts3#underwater, #samudra, #platformer, #adventure, #2d, #pollution, #demo, #deep sea, #artHeyo fellow Dreamers! First of all I hope everyone’s doing alright in this age of Covid19, always remember to stay hygienic, wash & sanitize your hands often, also to your belongings such as phones... Continue reading
- March 07, 2020 by Khayalan arts7#concept art, #underwater, #deep sea, #samudra, #illustration, #level design, #environment, #exhibition, #plastic free, #sea pollutionHeya Dreamers! This week I'd like to share a little bit of our Concept Artwork for some of the levels that will be featured in the final game :) (From top to bottom) Bottom of the Sea - Where the jou... Continue reading
- February 29, 2020 by Khayalan arts9#samudra, #deepsea, #underwater, #art, #illustration, #poster, #ocean, #fall, #lanternfish, #encounter, #trip, #dive, #design, #adventure, #surrealFellow Dreamers! Last week, I shared about a slice of process that goes into designing an environment in SAMUDRA. This week I’m here to talk a little more about some of the illustrations that we hav... Continue reading
- February 22, 2020 by Khayalan arts8#deepsea, #underwater, #adventure, #puzzle, #platformer, #2d, #art, #atmospheric, #makingof, #development, #design, #process, #level, #environmentHello fellow Earth-dwellers! First of all, thank you so much for those who have supported SAMUDRA and tried the alpha, your feedback had been crucial and are all greatly appreciated! This post will b... Continue reading
- February 14, 2020 by Khayalan arts5#samudra, #underwater, #deepsea, #pollution, #puzzle, #platformer, #adventure, #plastic, #ocean, #creature, #fish, #trip, #surreal, #storytelling, #ostHappy Valentine's Story lovers, Explorers & fellow Dreamers! We are now at 60% of our total game development, currently crunching away at the final polishing stage. In the mean time we have updated th... Continue reading